Add a little Flavor All® on anything from; meat, to veggies, to popcorn, the taste will be delicious! You can grill, bake, pan-fry, deep-fry, broil, boil, saute', or just sprinkle it on. Try it on all types of meat. Great on fish and all other seafood as well. Cook immediately or marinate if you have time. Be creative and try it on anything! Please visit our shopping cart and let us know how your creation turns out.
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Recommended Coverage
(You just might like it heavier!)
Chicken = 1 - 2 tsp. per pound
Steak, Pork, Lamb = 2 - 3 tsp. per pound
Fish, Shrimp, Scallops, other Seafood = 1/2 tsp. per pound
~Please Season to Taste~
Suggested Use
Chicken & Poultry: whole, wings, breast
~bake or add to your soup base~
Beef: steaks, hamburger, roast
~great as a blackening rub on steaks~
Pork: chops, ribs, loins
~rub on your ribs before grilling~
Seafood: fish, shrimp, scallops
~bake on fish or grill on shrimp~
Others: veggies, omelets, salads
~steamed or sautéed veggies~
~mix in scrambled eggs before cooking~
~sprinkle on salad / mix with vinegar and oil ~
Snacks: popcorn, trail mix, French fries
~shake on before or after cooking~
Again, please try Flavor All® on anything, using any cooking methods, and share your recipes with us.